Dynamics 365: Synchronize Playbook Answers & Approval Workflows

Now you can sync more data points to your Dynamics 365 from DealHub. Sync Playbook answers and Quote Approval Workflows so you can have one source of truth in your CRM to track responses and add more custom rules from your CRM. 

To configure this feature go to ‘Dynamics 365 Settings’ and mark Yes for ‘Synchronize DealHub answers into quote?’ and ‘Synchronize approval workflow information?’

Add Appendices to your DealRoom Contracts

Now the Sales team has the ability to add and merge additional documents into their contract in the DealRoom. Sales teams can now consolidate everything into one contract for them and their customers. 

Uploading appendix documents is easy!

Admins: To activate this new feature, easily configure it in the DealRoom template: