SendGrid Domain Authentication

We’ve introduced a new capability that enables the system to send emails to buyers on behalf of sellers using "SendGrid Domain Authentication."

This feature reduces the risk of emails being marked as spam and ensures important messages reach their intended recipients.

How it works:

  1. An admin integrates "SendGrid Domain Authentication" by adding specific records to their hosting DNS.
  2. After successful verification, sellers’ emails will be sent using their username and email, adding a personalized touch for buyers.

To get started, go to:
Control Panel → System Settings / Integrations & Add-ons → SendGrid Domain Authentication


For further assistance, contact DealHub Support or your Customer Success Manager.

DealRoom - Ready for Signature

🌟 Introducing Ready for Signature  🌟

The Ready for Signature feature allows DealRoom owners to publish a DealRoom in either a signable or non-signable state, giving you greater control and precision over your deal workflows.

Whether or not there’s an active contract revision process, you can control exactly when both parties are able to begin signing.

Signers are promptly notified via integrated email and Slack notifications when it’s their turn to sign, ensuring a smooth signing process.

Admins can easily enable the Ready for Signature feature and configure the initial signing state of a DealRoom directly from the settings section:

Get started today and streamline your document signing process with confidence!

External Validation for Proposals in CPQ

Admins can now configure External Validation rules alongside existing internal checks.
How it works:

  1. Set up an External Query entity of type API: Specify the URL of the external service and define the parameters the CPQ should send to this external system.
  2. Create an external validation rule in the Submit Validation screen.

All validations (both internal and external) are executed upon proposal submission, ensuring all necessary checks are completed before proposal is sent for approval or ready to be shared with a buyer.

If validation fails, the external system sends a failure response. In such cases, admins have the flexibility to:

  • Define a custom message that should be shown to the seller.
  • Display the exact error message returned by the external system.
  • Combine both approaches by embedding the external system’s response into a custom message for greater clarity.

For further assistance, contact DealHub Support or your Customer Success Manager.

DealHub 2.0: A new capability of custom filters

DealHub 2.0 introduces an improved feature with custom filters, enabling users to create and save personalized filters for quick access.
Administrators can configure filters as private or share them publicly across the organization. Saved filters appear in the left-side menu and can be effortlessly rearranged using drag-and-drop functionality.

Introducing: Export User Data to Excel in User Management

We're glad to introduce the new Export to Excel functionality in the User Management section.
This feature allows admins to easily download a detailed user list as an Excel file.

How to use it:

  • Navigate to Control Panel → User Management → Users.
  • Click the Export to Excel button in the top-right corner.
  • Save the file to your system and open it with Excel or any spreadsheet software.

Write to Salesforce custom object field

DealHub offers a new capability in the Salesforce settings:
Now, an admin can add custom fields and set them to write and not read-only. This will enhance Dealhub's ability to integrate seamlessly with Salesforce.

To configure the custom field, go to Draft Version> Advanced Settings> Salesforce Settings

For further assistance, contact DealHub Support or your Customer Success Manager.

DealHub 2.0 🎉

Get your work done faster and more efficiently with DealHub 2.0. Upgrade now to view all your deals in one place, track all your activity in real-time, create custom filters and more.

Don't miss out! Get early beta access by contacting your Customer success or DealHub support.

Increase efficiency with proposal filters

Search, sort and view using predefined filters by account, date, creator, or create a custom filter. You can choose which columns to display, hide, or apply multiple filters to view proposals that match specific conditions. 

Sign and view all your deals in one place

Check out the new DealRooms page, a one-stop shop for all your activities and deal actions. Viewing, managing and collaborating on signing deals directly from your DealRoom has never been easier. 

Follow your deal sentiment and never miss notifications

Ditch the plug-in and get notifications directly from your DealRoom. View all your activity in the new seamless integrated DealStream and get notified when an action occurs.

Build fully customizable layouts

Personalize your layout to get a fully customizable table. You can control which columns to display by naming, resizing, or adjusting the sequence.

HubSpot - Ability to synchronize draft Proposal to the Deal

Now, when configuring a draft proposal in the CPQ system, the seller can synchronize proposal details with the Deal in HubSpot CRM before this proposal is submitted. This synchronization ability needs to be enabled by the admin via the HubSpot Settings screen.

When such proposal synchronization is enabled, the draft proposal will feature a ‘Save & Sync to CRM’ button in addition to the regular ‘Save’ button. 

DealRoom's VAT Validation

We are happy to introduce VAT Validation in DealRoom  

DealRoom publishers can now easily validate buyers' VAT details with DealRoom form widget, ensuring accurate transactions with ease.

After successful validation, the system displays enhanced details of the provided account.

For further assistance, contact DealHub Support or your Customer Success Manager.

  The VAT feature requires an additional payment.

DealHub Introduces New API Services and Enhancements

We are excited to announce a new set of API services exposed by DealHub.

CPQ Product Catalog services

Below API services aim to replace the existing SFTP capability for uploading products to CPQ. With these new services, the consuming system can:

     - Upload Products: Upload product catalog to the specified draft version. Based on the provided request payload, the service will either create new SKUs or replace existing ones (delete & add).

     - Get Products: Retrieve the existing product catalog with details on each SKU, including product attributes, assignment rules, pricing rules, etc. This service is available for any version (Draft/Active/Deactivated).

     - Delete Products: Delete either a specific product or all products from the specified draft version of CPQ.

DealRoom Signers’ 

The consuming system can retrieve information about the actual signers of a specific CRM opportunity. Signers’ information can be retrieved when the DealRoom is either partially or fully signed.

Talk to your customer service representative to learn how to implement this APIs.

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