Pin the product summary section

Your sales reps can continuously see the product summary section on the quote details screen, even while scrolling around. All they have to do is pin or unpin the product summary section to get it to float on their screen. 

Click Here to learn how to use it.

Dynamics 365 users: Syncing General Proposal Attributes to Dynamics 365

Various general attributes of the line item (like 'list price', 'total discount %' etc) can now be synced back to Dynamics 365. This is especially helpful if you sell multiple bundles as it provides full visibility of the bundle source for every product (Line Item) sold.

How to configure: Open your “Products” page, open “Actions”, click “Settings” and then click the “General Attributes” tab. Click “Add attribute”, and select the relevant attribute and where you want it to sync to. You can see this illustrated in the GIF here.

Either/Or Capability for Approvals

Sometimes you need approval from just one person, but it can be any one of several people. Now, for added flexibility, you can assign multiple potential approvers to your workflow.

To configure this for yourself, go to your “General Workflow” settings, and in the “Request approval of” dropdown menu, select the relevant people who can provide approval.