Use Product Attributes when Defining Pricing Rules

We are excited to announce the release of a new feature that allows you to use defined numeric product attributes in pricing calculations! 

This powerful feature will give you more control and flexibility over how you price your products. 

You can now easily take into account factors such as cost or others, offering a more streamlined pricing strategy for your products.

Feature: Version Settings - Products - Product Pricing

DealRoom - High-Resolution/High-Performance Loading Mode

Introducing a new feature for DealRoom publishers: the high-resolution/high-performance loading mode toggle.

This option allows publishers to choose between faster loading with compressed images or slower loading with original, high-resolution images. 

The setting will only come into play when DealRoom is unable to automatically detect the client/user’s bandwidth quality in real time.

Feature location: Advanced Settings - DealRoom Settings - Display Settings

Reset Password

Now Admins can easily assist forgetful users in need of a new password to their CPQ.

The 'Reset Password' is a new feature enabling Admins to reset the password for users. Using this feature, Admins can grant users a new one-time password, which users can then update with their own new password.

The new password can be sent by email or manually by the Admin.

Feature: User Management - Reset Password

Max Discount as a Formula

Admins can now use a formula or refer to questions from the playbook to define the max discount for a product instead of assigning a fixed number. This new capability provides flexibility in establishing discount thresholds based on a number of variables, based on the unique business case. 

Feature: Products - Product Pricing - Max Discount

Introducing: Modifiable Bundle Factors

Summary Bundles can now be modified!

The product factors of Products Summary Bundles (the type of bundle where the pricing of the bundle is calculated by a summary of the products contained within it) can now be modified by the sales team if the system admin chooses to allow it.
When creating or editing a bundle, the admin can select which products to make modifiable, allowing the users to change the factors of these specific products when generating a quote.

Feature: Products - Bundles - Create/Edit products summary bundle 

* This feature is not enabled in the 'Fixed Price Bundle'.

Special Factors Formula

Determining and configuring pricing factors using a fixed value requires an admin to create and maintain multiple special factor assignment rules, each one to fit a different scenario. 

The release of the special list price factor formula allows the admin to consolidate multiple scenarios with calculated factors into one line, at times reducing tens or hundreds of static factors. 

Feature: Price Factor -> Special Factors

DealRoom Editor - Duplicate Widgets

You've waited and waited and now it's here! The DealRoom editor just got widget duplication abilities. 

Now, an editor user can duplicate widgets with entire design, tabs, and content

for a smoother, faster, and friendlier design process.

Version Activation - Optimization

When activating new configuration versions, sales users are no longer locked out during the whole update process. Users can continue editing quotes until the new version has been fully published, upon which any new configuration logic will apply.

Number formatting for pre-populated fields

For playbook data imported into Playbooks from CRM (e.g. subscription fields) or other sources, Admins can now define how numerical data should be displayed when using tabular & summary views. Numeric, currency, or percentage formats are supported.

Feature : Playbook - Numeric questions - Edit answer

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