Embed Word Documents Into the Output Document

Free yourself from reformatting Word Documents in our native editor and upload the Microsoft Word Documents you were already using. You can now easily add Word files as sub-documents to the output document template. 

P.S. You can only enable this feature if you have upgraded your output documents to G2 (Beta).

Feature: Version Settings - Output documents - Sub-Document Templates.

Pricing Table: Header & Text Alignment

Your pricing table just got a new look!

In an effort to increase customizability for users, we have enabled header and text alignment flexibility, making output documents and DealRoom tables easier to consume.

Feature: Version Settings - Output Documents - DealRoom/Output document pricing tables

Allow Sellers to Modify Factors in Bundles

We know our customers enjoy using pre-populated bundles which make for a seamless and easy quote creation. 

Now, sellers can go a step further, customize and modify factors (e.g. quantity, duration etc.) per each line item in the bundle.

Feature : Products - Bundle (summary type) 

Upgrade to Document Generation 2 (G2)

Let’s make Document Generation even better! Now you can generate better PDF files, faster when you upgrade to G2. Fonts for additional Asian languages are also supported.

Switching to the G2 foundation for output documents will enable many future feature updates. 

Feature: Version Settings - Advanced Settings - General Settings.

User notification preferences

Users can now manage their DealRoom notification preferences individually in the User Settings menu. Users can opt in or out of activity notifications for:

  • DealRoom viewed
  • DealRoom access requested (for users not already added)
  • DealRoom published/unpublished
  • RedLine updates for content changes and approvals 
  • Members added/removed from sign list
  • DealRoom signing updates

Feature: User Settings (menu at the top right corner of the screen)

Approval Email: Customize Email Subject

From your subject line to your personalized signature - your approval email is now fully customizable!

Now, administrators can tailor their email subject to the recipient, and make it a personalized experience.

Feature: Version settings - Output Documents - Approval Templates

Share proposals internally with ease

This nifty, 'copy link'  button can save your sales team from potential confusion.

Now when they want to share a proposal with someone else internally, instead of copying and pasting the URL, they just need to click the 'copy link' button.    

Sync meeting notes after external signature closed-won

Scattered sales notes don’t help anybody. That’s why we made it easier to sync your sales team’s notes. 

Now, when your sales teams capture signatures outside of a DealRoom, they can mark the deal as closed-won in DealHub and their notes in the comment field will automatically sync into the CRM in a field of your choice.

Feature : Advanced settings - CRM settings - Output Fields Mapping

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