
Unboxing DealBox! DealHub’s newest feature to securely save and share deal-related assets. With DealBox, DealRoom users now have the ability, and the place, to securely store deal-related information, content, and other supporting materials.

 DealBox supports most file types like PDF, JPEG, XLSX, PPTX, MP4, and many more.

DealBox enables full control of creating, editing, and presenting materials. Only relevant content will be viewable to users, depending on the level of permissions granted.

The DealBox widget provides the following functionalities:

  • Build DealBox templates: Define rule-based templates and set default files per DealRoom ("Deal Kit"). 
  • Protected files: The admin can set a file or folder to be “protected”, meaning that the file cannot be removed from the DealBox in live mode. 
  • Enable uploads and downloads: Authenticated users (permission based) can create new files and folders. 
  • Add comments to files: Permitted users can comment on single or multiple files.
  • Action notifications: DealRoom members can be notified of any actions within DealBox.
  • DealStream activities: DealBox will log all box-related actions such as file addition, deletion, or download, comments to files, and newly created or deleted directories.

    For more information about DealBox, click here