Introducing the Enhanced 'Switch To' Functionality!

With the enhanced 'Switch To' functionality, administrators can now seamlessly switch between user profiles without having to log out and log back in. 

Effortless User Impersonation: Once an administrator impersonates another user via the 'Switch To' button on the User Management screen, a new draggable element will appear across all CPQ screens. This element serves as an intuitive visual indication that the administrator has successfully entered someone else's profile.

Clear Visual Feedback: The draggable element is carefully designed to ensure administrators know their active impersonation. It is only visible when an administrator initiates impersonation through the 'Switch To' button. This provides a clear visual cue throughout their CPQ journey.

Smooth Transition: To log off from the impersonated user's profile and return to their initial profile, administrators can simply click the "Switch back to your profile" link within the draggable element. This action instantly ends the impersonation, redirecting administrators back to the User Management screen from where they originally initiated the impersonation.

We believe that this enhancement will greatly streamline the user management experience, saving administrators valuable time and effort. It eliminates the need to log out and log back in, ensuring seamless workflow within the CPQ system.

Feature: Control Panel -> User Management